Did you participate in GeoGirls in past years? Are you the parent, guardian, friend or colleague of someone who has participated in GeoGirls in the past?

Keep us updated with your contact information and stories about your life as impacted by your experience with GeoGirls - complete our GeoGirls Alumni Updated Contact & Stories Form! Share this with friends and contacts who have participated in GeoGirls.

Stay in touch with Mount St. Helens!

Jobs, programs and opportunities with the Mount St. Helens Institute:
Jobs, programs and opportunities with the U.S. Geological Survey:
Other opportunities!

Most importantly, keep in touch with us if you continue to study and explore the volcano or other volcanoes around the world!

Did you participate in GeoGirls as a Teacher Mentor or Science Mentor?

Consider completing our GeoGirls Science Mentor Testimonial form to share about your experience!